Tuesday, 30 December 2014


For each living day, there bound to be new adventures awaiting us to embark on.
If you haven't learned nor improved, you haven't really lived.

The Realisations of 2014.
  1. Time spent with family members is precious.
  2. We can't control the words that come out of people's mouth. We can only control how we react to those words. There's no need to be offended as long as we haven't done wrong.
  3. Nothing is unachievable as long as we have the heart for it.
  4. Never ever tell lies as lie duplicates to more lies. Be truthful especially to people you care most.
  5. Accept people for who they are. If you can't comprehend their behaviour, leave them alone. If you can't leave them alone, accept them good or bad. 
  6. Remember and appreciate your friends during good AND bad times. If you only remember your friends during good times, it's as bad as only remembering them in times of sorrow, and vice versa. Have you taken people around you for granted in this sense?
  7. Be ever ready to forgive people, especially those you truly care. Be the person with the Bigger heart. Forgiving people is giving them a chance to right their wrong and letting yourself be free from grudge.
  8. "Stupid knows responsibility too."
  9. Cancelling on people at the last minute is unethical.
  10. There are always more than one side to a story. Don't judge too soon.
  11. Never jump into conclusion based on presumptions and un-backed judgments. 
  12. Just as you thought you knew someone very well, you might not have known them after all.
  13. Put yourself in other's shoes. It helps you to understand and accept them better by viewing from their perspectives.
  14. Don't do unto others the things you don't want to be done unto you.
  15. The kindest word in the world is the unkind word unsaid.
  16. Don't seek happiness through others' sorrow. Teasing people of something they care most is not funny at all. Is there a benefit from hurting people this way?
  17. Open your heart and mind to criticism and comments. In some ways or rather, they might help make us a better person. 
  18. Be an observer, not a reactor, to your emotions - R. Kiyosaki. 
  19. Feel how quickly your emotions rise and fall. It's just a fraction of second between staying calm and getting emotional.
  20. In times of anger, don't say a word. Word spoken with emotions more often leave us in remorse. 
  21. Don't be too attached to certain principles. There is always room for mercy for yourself and others.
  22. Punctual is good not until you get too attached to it and start a storm when others can't make it on time.
  23. Table manners. Everyone deserves some peace at the dining table - chew quietly, don't start an orchestra with your cutlery and plate/bowl, watch out your legs and others' legs under the table. Never leave the dining table until everyone has finished; if you really need to leave beforehand, courteously inform before you leave. Respect the food, the chef, the diners, and the gathering - keep your eyes off your phone or TV.
  24. A frown can always easily be replaced with a smile.
  25. A hug is the cheapest therapy on rainy days.

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

15.12.2014 Sydney Siege

Life's full of surprises. Anything can happen in the next second.

15.12.2014 Monday.
I did not go in to the office on this day, only to have read the news about the siege slightly before noon. It left me with a mixed feeling. Martin Place is where I pass by most if not some of the days on my way to and from work. Would I be one of the hostages if I were at Martin Place this morning? What are the hostages going through right now? What's in the terrorist's mind? When and how would this end? 

I felt a tinge of comfort when messages came from people across the state, asking if I am fine. It means a lot to know that I've crossed their mind in times like this. Thanks Jessey, AN and RK. :)

The siege ended with 3 casualties including 1 terrorist.

17.12.2014 Wednesday.
On my way to work, flowers for the siege victims started piling up at Martin Place. People were seen carrying bouquet of flowers into the area. 11 hours later, on my way back from work, the amount of flowers doubled up. 

The usual hustle bustle at Martin Place during peak hours has transformed into a rather slow, calm, and peaceful scene - except for a sad cause. People were usually seen fiddling with their phone, looking down on their gadget, talking on the phone or the mate beside them, jaywalking, and dreading the long walk from George to Elizabeth - vice versa. Today, their pace has slowed down, there was no talking, no laughing, no honking, no knocking into another person because 0ne was looking at his phone, no sound of those business shoes 'klik-klok-ing' on the tiles... 

I felt quiet, silent, calm, and...sad. The place was scented with smell of fresh flowers. It felt like everyone was at the 'present moment', all having the same feeling, all mourning for the loss of the innocent lives. 

23.12.2014 Tuesday

The flowers were removed due to impending bad weather for the coming days.
17.12.2014 7:44 AM - Flowers piling up at Martin Place
17.12.2014 6:01 PM - Amount of flowers doubled up
19.12.2014 - More flowers
23.12.2014 Flowers removed by volunteers
Notice on the removal of the flowers
People come and go.
Flowers grow and wither.
What's left is the life lesson for us to not take people around us for granted. Hatred leads us nowhere, be kind whenever possible.