Tuesday, 3 November 2015

melbourne cup

horses, stay safe

It's the race which stops a nation at 3 pm on every first Tuesday of November.
It's a public holiday in Victoria only.

In other states, we simply declare our own half-day off by stopping work from 2.30 pm to watch the race, followed by drinks till the end of office hour. We'll also have sweepstake at work - $2 for 1 horse, $5 for 3 horses - where horses are randomly picked from a pool.

This year, it's no different in the new company. Our British boss asked what do we normally do on Melbourne Cup day. Someone who also came from my old company replied we generally stop work from after lunch, have some drinks, watch the race, and continue drinking for the rest of the day.

The boss said Ok, let's do it!

What an easy-going boss. Lol.

3 horses died in the last 2 years of Melbourne Cup. 1 had heart attack and 2 were put to sleep because they broke a leg. Horses need all 4 legs to 'live'. If any is broken, they're better off dead than alive.

In my opinion, horses should be running freely in the woods.
They aren't born to be whipped.
They aren't born to go through trainings.
They aren't born to be transported in a confined space.
They aren't born to run in races and be the subject of gamble.

Hence, I'm not a fan of this race or any other things which involve animals kept in captivity and go through vigorous training - zoo, circus, water park, races, animal shows, etc.

For the first time in 4 months, the admin and I are on the same page.
We're more concern of the welfare of the horses than the half-day off, free lunch, drinks, bets, and adrenaline rush.
We excuse ourselves from the sweepstake and hope no horses die this year.

Each time after the race, the owners of the winning horse will be seen cheering, congratulating each other, and popping a champagne. First 10 horses will win some kind prize money.

What do the horses get?
A spa retreat?
A mane-cut and treatment?
A day off from track?
A bigger stable?
A sense of achievement and pride?


If I were a horse, I'd rather be left to starve in the woods than to be given hay, a stable, and beautiful shoes - things I wasn't born to need.

Put yourself in the horses' shoes...

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