Saturday 31 December 2016

in memory

time does not wait, does it

On Boxing Day...

Just when everyone's in the jingly and merry mood of Christmas, I received news that my school mate SL's mum has passed away.

She had been ill for the last one year, diagnosed with leukaemia.

Each time I make a trip home, we barely have chance to meet as SL is based interstate.
In my last trip home in November - to attend a friend's wedding - we finally met but I didn't manage to visit her mum.
I asked about her mum. In an optimistic tone, she said her mum's recovering.
She also told me about how they almost lost her early this year.

I reminded myself that I shall bring aunty some Australian fig when I go back in January (assuming all elderly loves fig and assuming she's on the path of recovery).
*For the last decade, I didn't realise Australia is famous for fig. It's time to repay what I've missed.

I remember sending this to SL.

Aunty saw it, laughed and said 'siaopo wy'.
She then told us to 'take some leaves, meet more guys. Everyday work work work....'
I thought since she could laugh at jokes and advise on how to meet guys, she should be genki.

The news of her passing came to me as a shock.
For a moment, I couldn't figure if the news was real or it's something which runs in my subconscious mind.

I thought of the figs which never will make it to her.
I thought of the last joke.
I thought of how she spoke my name.
I thought of how she might have suffered.
I thought of who should I pass on the news to.
I wondered if SL's fine.

I went to bed with these lingering in my head.

The next day, I wrote SL a text.
As usual, she sounded 'fine'.
I don't know how else I can help apart from feeling sorry.

Memories flashed back.

When we were in Form 4, we once had to bring chopsticks to school. I can't recall what was it for.
SL brought a pair of beautiful shiny silver chopsticks while everyone else had the cheap-looking plastic/wooden ones.
Right before the school bell rings, aunty arrived to pick SL up.
I saw her.
I put my hand out the window, waved to her while holding the pair of silver chopsticks.
She saw me first and then the chopsticks. Lol.
SL was given a long lecture at home after, because she took the chopsticks without permission.
It was all my fault as I flashed them in front of aunty's eyes. Lol.

After finishing high school, I came to Sydney and SL went to Ukraine for university.
Our summer breaks were 6 months apart from each other. We barely met anymore.
On one of her birthdays in Klang, I got my sis to buy some roti canai's and deliver to her house as a surprise.
It was more of a surprise for aunty to find the roti hanging on the gate.

These are some of the few memories made with her.

I'm blessed to have you in my journey.
Thanks for having me in yours too.
May you be in a better place, watching after us.

As much as I'll remember your cheerful face and voice,
I'll also remember this, 'take some leaves, meet more guys'.


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